~We the Residents of Arcadia 8, in Order to form a more perfect Understanding, establish Facts, insure unbiased Opinions, provide for the common knowledge, promote the general Love, and secure the Blessings of Laughter for ourselves and our Friends, do ordain and establish this Page of Profiles for the Residents of Arcadia Apartment 8.
-Brian (Bougey Baby) Bourgerie-
Height: 5'10.7"
Weight: 163 lbs.
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Hair Color: Clean Brown
Mission: Montevideo, Uruguay
Major: Business Management/Entrepreneurship/Finance
Quote: "Just remember, Common Sense says it makes No Sense,
to pay More Cents, for your Senseless Sensors"
Favorite Apartment Location: My Bed
Favorite Un-Apartment Location: Wherever Girls Are
Relationship Status: Single
Likes: Females, Entrepreneurship, Ladies, Rugby, Women,
Service, People of the Opposite Gender, Dancing, Cars, Cuddling,
Business, Teaching, The Gospel, Music, Cheese Curds,
Bacon, Old People Books (Mike Says), This One Girl...,
Travel, Vagabonding, All things Enjoyable, Volleyball, All Sports
Dislikes: Chocolate, Ignorance, Arrogance, Intolerance, Giving Up,
Celebrity Gossip, People With Those Qualities, Country Music,
Most Politicians, When People Take Things I say Out of Context
and/or Pre-Judge, People Who Contradict the Constitution, Satan
-Spenser (Young Speasy) Davidson-
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Something
Mission: San Bernardino, California
Major: Psychology
Quote: "I might as well make out with a cow!"
Favorite Apartment Location: Private Bathroom Bath Tub
Favorite Un-Apartment Location: Sand Volleyball Court
Relationship Status: Single
Likes: Girls, Video Games, Hawaiian Pizza, Working Out,
Dreaming, Poop Jokes, Soda, Volleyball
Dislikes: Girls with Adam's Apples..., Country Music
-David (Stud McBuffington) Lehman-
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 214 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde
Mission: TBA
Major: Human Bio.
Quote: "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually
be afraid that you will make one."
Favorite Apartment Location: ?---
Favorite Un-Apartment Location: Anywhere That a Good Time is
Being Had
Relationship Status: Single
Likes: Challenging Myself In Different Ways, Staying Physically Fit,
Having A Good Time With Family and Friends
Dislikes: Negative People, People That Choose To Look at the Bad
More than the Good, Failure, Letting Others Down
-Michael (Lehmanlime) Lehman-
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eye Color: Green w/ golden ring in the middle
Hair Color: Blald (Blonde but balding)
Mission: Everett, Washington
Major: Pre-Med
Quote: "I'm about as fun as a pile of dead raccoons."
Favorite Apartment Location: Kitchen/Wherever I can DRANK
my Kool-Aid
Favorite Un-Apartment Location: 3.)Dance Parties 2.)Swimming
Spots, and 1.)Volleyball Courts
Relationship Status: Single
Likes: Reading, Swimming, Camping, Hiking, Biking, Running,
Volleyball, Girls
Dislikes: Downright Dumb People, Uncleanliness, Racism, People
With A Sense of Entitlement, Clingyness, Hypocrites, People Too
Uncreative to Think of Something to Do, Which Consequently
Resulted in the Creation of the Word Boredom.
-Brenton (Brolson) Olson-
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Mission: Hermosillo, Mexico
Major: Business/Marketing
Quote: "Go big or go home."
Favorite Apartment Location: My bed
Favorite Un-Apartment Location: Dunes
Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Likes: Being Active, Eating Healthy, Nature, Rugby, Food,
The Gospel
Dislikes: Girls Who Always Call Themselves Fat, Attention
Seekers, Not Eating
Here's a stupid blog that we are doing kuz we would rather waste our time than do homework or get married...
Attention World. Attention please!
For those of you who aren't living backwards lives, don't forget that to know what's going on in our amazing lives, you need to start reading our blog from the bottom (or earliest post) up. Otherwise you will have no idea what we are talking about... Well actually, you still might have no idea what we are talking about... or maybe if you read it backwards you will actually understand us better...! Ok, Scrap whatever I just said and just do what you want :)
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