Attention World. Attention please! For those of you who aren't living backwards lives, don't forget that to know what's going on in our amazing lives, you need to start reading our blog from the bottom (or earliest post) up. Otherwise you will have no idea what we are talking about... Well actually, you still might have no idea what we are talking about... or maybe if you read it backwards you will actually understand us better...! Ok, Scrap whatever I just said and just do what you want :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

YO're My Inspiration!

So I have this friend named... well I dunno if she would actually want to be named on a shady blog such as this... so lets just call her my "mermaid" friend (I haven't ever seen her swim before, but I'm positive that she is amazing at it).

 Ok what was I saying?

 Oh yeah, she wanted some help on deciding what to do for a blog and online business and that made me think: "Freaking For Shizzle Dawg! I haven't posted on the blog for awhile!" (which actually happened to be the last time I spent time with my mermaid friend).

So here I am, with a headache that I have had for almost 3 days now trying to think of what needs to be published to the world, but all I can think about is if putting peppermint on my head will really make my headache go away?  I mean what makes peppermint so special that it thinks it can just take pain away?! If peps ALL THAT, why don't they sell it next to the Advil or Tylenol?  (If it is sold next to them then I will feel a little sheepish when someone tells me... but until then...!)

Oh, and what are the ladies gonna think when I try to turn my swag on and all they can think about is "does this dude wear peppermint for cologne?" "he is getting a little TOO into christmas!".

But alas, I am not looking forward to playing in a volleyball game tonight (7:15 in the I-Center) with a headache so if this peppermint stuff is really all it's cracked up to be, I invite you to come and work its magic on me before my game and I will love you forever AND give you a hug for no less than 17 seconds :)


I will repent of my slothful ways and start blogging more so you will have more things to read while wasting time.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yo! Chocolate is gross!

So, I hate chocolate. It is putrid, dark and gross. It could be considered the devils candy... For me, I woild rather eat dirt, clean dirt though, not the dirty stuff foumd under dumpsters... Thats just sick.

However, I do have a love for Swiss Miss hot chocolate,(not the gourmet crap, thats too chocolatey) I could drink that stuff all day! I used to drink 2 large bowl sized mugs of it every morning before school! In result, I would have to urinate in between all 7 class periods (& sometimes during class too). The Lehman Bro's can testify to that.

Now before you get all riled up and start calling me names or hating me, just stop and ponder this for a moment... If I dont like chocolate, that means there is more in the world for YOU!!! I am more likely to give you chocolate whenever I acquire some! Think of it as a characteristic of benevolence and charity. I forgo eating chocolate for each and every one of You! Just ask the lucky lady who was blessed by my chocolate donation today! (although I did talk her into eating it during some fast from sweets...;)

I just wrote all this on my phone... My computer is on the other side of the room... Just thought you should know. 

And for the record, yes I like white chocolate, it is not made from cocoa beans :)


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Saturday, November 5, 2011

True Feelings!

Ok, so I have to let my feelings be known, they are bursting out of me right now!!!

First off, my physical feelings:  OUCH!!!  We had a Rugby Game in Montana today in 5 inches of snow. That did not however stop me from smashing anybody and in result getting a little smashed up myself...  My entire left leg (foot, ankle, shin, knee, and quad muscle) is giving me crazy pain even when I'm laying still.  My right wrist is sprained or something else that causes pain and limits motion, and My chin is swollen and knees cut up.

Ok, and now for the feelings I have that actually drive me crazy: I freaking LOVE to cuddle!!!!!!  But every night I have to shut myself down because I am single/busy/won't make the first move on a girl in fear that she will take it the wrong way/ etc...  And that is really hard for a guy like me to handle!!!  It's winterish now with snow on the ground and that just intensifies my insatiable urge to snuggle up with a "good" friend (woman of course, there's no lack of love when it comes to us roomies...)

But I am feeling like that kid in that hypothetical story that was posted earlier in our blog so I need to go since I can't focus anymore.

Luv Ya!

Curly Joe

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So, I always thought that Shiva was a girl.  It's probably the consequence of playing so much Final Fantasy.  TURNS OUT I WAS WRONG...Shiva is actually a male.  Who knew?


I'm hungry.  I traded some of my bread for Bri's can of Chef Boyardee Ravioli.
and I'm tempted to eat it.
despite the fact that I ate two hamburgers already.


Where has time gone?
What have we been doing?
What have YOU been doing more importantly?

Lots of things have happened around Apartment #6!!!  But unfortunately at this time I am quite unable to think of any of them, and I quite want to go to sleep.

So really, this was just for the intent of letting you know we are in fact still alive, and have not forgotten about you.


Ya, so I think I'm gonna do that, despite the fact that I love you.  And want your affection.
Why won't you love me...?

~Spense Bob Square Pants