Attention World. Attention please! For those of you who aren't living backwards lives, don't forget that to know what's going on in our amazing lives, you need to start reading our blog from the bottom (or earliest post) up. Otherwise you will have no idea what we are talking about... Well actually, you still might have no idea what we are talking about... or maybe if you read it backwards you will actually understand us better...! Ok, Scrap whatever I just said and just do what you want :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

What the freak Spease!??!?!

Ok, I just can't take this kind of treatment anymore!!!  It was MY TURN to post next Spense!!!  I have had it with all this disrespectin that's goin on!  And not only did you post out of turn... you posted MULTIPLE times!  What the freak!?  If you were sitting at your desk right now I would punch rigt through the wall and inevitably hit you in the face. (after breaking through your computer screen of course)
Oh whats that you say? You got a job at BestBuy(a Minnesota Company :) in the gaming department?  Well here's a game for ya... Stay alive long enough to get that full head of silver hair!

So thats what I was feeling like last night and this morning as Spin Master Spease transgressed on our blogging rules, but I have since decided to be merciful towards him because he says things that make me laugh sometimes... most recently (about 5 minutes) He said "my two department managers love me, they would even make love to me if I let them"  Myself: "are they girls?"  Spease: "no... one's a guy... but he still would if I let him!"
I apologize for that comment, but between you and me, with all those gray hairs, I think Speasmiester is going a little crazy...

On a totally different note however, I have been sitting in my apartment most of the day... I woke up with a sore throat (because I never get any sleep due to people, life, homework, roommates, this blog, lack of desire, being a night owl, the internet, fighting the system, always wanting to eat, wanting to drink something but knowing if I do that I will have to pee like 10 times during the next hour.. ya know, the normal stuff), had 7:45 class (which liked actually... web business) accounting, and then I did something none have us have done before...!  I cut up vegetables and of course meat, and put it in a crock pot!!! (not to be confused with a "crack pot")  I then proceeded to have some girl named carly try to tame my wild hair for a bit and I'm convinced that it will make all the ladies love me.  THATS why I needed to stay home this fine Friday... Obviously because SO many women would attach themselves to me that I need a game plan. (and because 87.4% of the girls wouldn't be able to handle me yet)

The Game plan goes like this:

  1. Shower
  2. Eat
  3. Get Dressed (yes in this order)
  4. put on The Secret
  5. laugh at Brenty because he has bruised a certain part of himself
  6. open the door while yelling "Hands off Harlots!!!" (because there's bound to be women all lined up outside to try and put their hands through my newly thinned curlyish hair)
  7. jump off the balcony (over the piles of women who want me) onto the back of my truck before thinking about the decision
  8. land on top of Cody's Subaru because I didn't think first and realized my truck was across the parking lot
  9. run away before anyone notices
  10. realize that I didn't have a plan for the night
  11. decide to wander inconspicuously around the booming town we live in...
  12. wonder to myself if the 13,000 songs I am transferring from my MacBook to my desktop are done yet
  13. realize that walking is lame unless it's with a girl or while eating bacon
  14. go back to my truck 
  15. try not to notice the hobo sleeping on the mattress in the back
  16. go to the dance party at Aspen
  17. then visit the bonfire at the dunes
  18. get my truck stuck again which i vowed never to do again last night
  19. somehow wake up in my bed without remembering anything after getting stuck
  20. And decide that this was a pretty half realistic 20 point plan

Speaking of plans!!!!!  I was watching the presidential debate last night and I swear, every time Herman Cain brings up his amazing 999 plan, delivery orders for pizza skyrocket out of control.

But I was only meaning to post  little quote on here and then actually be productive. So just remember one thing:  Last night I was inducted into the roommateship of apartment D2 of a girls apartment complex after our group date where I had lots of Bacon on a pizza boat.

Luv B-Unit

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